Learn about our mission, and passionate team!
We want to make the world a better place for ourselves and our children. This charitable trust us a non-profit foundation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. Its primary purpose is to provide educational programs within the meaning and definition of IRC 501 (c)(3).
Seeing a need for energetic, nonprofit work in the areas of nutrition and active living, we formed our organization to provide educational programs with a global perspective. We've consistently grown since LGIEF was founded in 2011 and got its non-profit tax-exempt status by the IRS in October 2012.
Our team and volunteers are focused on making the maximum positive effort for our community. They provide their time and knowledge to create unbiased reviews and practical recommendations for the rest of the world to use in their daily life and travel plans, saving them hours of research and effort.
Sign up to hear from us about how to become a volunteer for an existing educational program or what new educational programs we're creating within our community.
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